Country Sunrise Baconless Dry Mix PACKET-0.70 oz


Price: $2.25
Product ID : KMAA0224SA


Country Sunrise Baconless Dry Mix -.70oz
1 -2 Serving Pack

Savor the delicious flavor of our low protein bacon for any meal of the day, be it breakfast, lunch or dinner. This bacon, infused with the sweet touch of maple, promises an experience that will impress your palate. The irresistible aroma, the appealing look, and the mouth-watering taste of our low protein bacon will leave you craving for more.

Preparing it takes only a few minutes, making it an easy choice for quick meals. Each serving consists of just one slice, ensuring control over your protein intake. Impressively, it contains zero grams of protein and only 7 milligrams of Phenylalanine (PHE). This makes it a perfect choice for those managing their protein levels or following a low-protein diet. Experience the joy of indulging in bacon without worrying about excessive protein!

1 Bacon Slice Serving
Protein: 0 grams
PHE: 3 mg

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